Test: Pesonalità ad immagine (si fa in un nanosecondo)

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  1. _-Liris-_

    User deleted

    Devi solo ciccare sull’immagine che ti attira è semplice sisi


    Libero da restrizioni Non convenzionale Indipendente

    Aspiri ad uno stile di vita libero e anticonformista che ti consenta di determinare in autonomia il corso dei tuoi progetti e del tuo futuro. Possiedi un’inclinazione artistica che si riflette nelle scelta della tua professione ideale e nelle attivita’ che svolgi nel tempo libero. La tua aspirazione alla liberta’ ti spinge talvolta a fare esattamente l’opposto di cio’ gli altri si aspettano da te. Il tuo stile di vita è altamente individualistico. Tendi a non imitare ciecamente quello che gli altri considerano “in”; tenti piuttosto di vivere seguendo i tuoi ideali e le tue convinzioni, anche a costo di nuotare con vigore controcorrente.

    Edited by _-Liris-_ - 14/12/2008, 18:29
  2. † Yoite †

    User deleted

    Riflessivo Sensibile Introspettivo

    Rifletti su te stesso e sul mondo che ti circonda con maggior frequenza e piu’ profondamente della maggior parte delle gente. Detesti la superficialita’; preferisci piuttosto la compagnia di te stesso alla sensazione di perdere tempo in chiacchiere vuote e inutili con gli altri. Nonostante cio’ sei grado di stabilire con i veri amici rapporti solidi e profondi e da queste relazioni sai trarre tranquillita’ e armonia interiore.

    Non ti spaventa l’idea di rimanere solo per lunghi periodi di tempo; raramente ti annoi in tua compagnia.

    questo è il mio risultato ^^
    correggi il link al test però che è sbaglitato sisi ^^
  3. _-Liris-_

    User deleted

    Avevo copia/incollato male il link ù.ù
    Spero che ora finzioni ^^
  4. Mizuki-chan

    User deleted

    Romantic Dreamy Emotional

    You are a very sensitive person. You refuse to view things only from a sober, rational standpoint. What your feelings tell you is just as important to you. In fact, you feel it is important to have dreams in life, too.
    You reject people who scorn romanticism and are guided only by rationality. You refuse to let anything confine the rich variety of your moods and emotions.

    Ma anche i vostri risultati son venuti in inlgese e ve li siete tradotti o son l'unica svizzera che ha sempre tutto in lingue straniere?! X°D
  5. _-Liris-_

    User deleted

    Bwaaaaah ho sbagliato link ancora XD *rotola*
    Che deprimensa ù.ù mi sa che vi ho lasciato quello del sito in inglese *fa cerchietti in un angolino*
  6. Shaiw

    User deleted

    Introspective Sensitive Reflective

    You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are very strong, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you require. You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored.

    questo è il mio risultato ^___^
  7. Haruka~chan

    User deleted

    Carefree Playful Cheerful

    You love a free and spontaneous life. And you attempt to enjoy it to the fullest, in accordance with the motto: "You only live once."

    You are very curious and open about everything new; you thrive on change. Nothing is worse than when you feel tied down. You experience your environment as being versatile and always good for a surprise.

    Ehi, è molto azzeccato! :D
  8. helly the stray_Cat

    User deleted

    You love a free and spontaneous life. And you attempt to enjoy it to the fullest, in accordance with the motto: "You only live once."

    You are very curious and open about everything new; you thrive on change. Nothing is worse than when you feel tied down. You experience your environment as being versatile and always good for a surprise.

  9. ~Ardy

    User deleted

    Peaceful Discreet Non Aggressive

    You are easy-going yet discreet. You make friends effortlessly, yet enjoy your privacy and independence. You like to get away from it all and be alone from time to time to contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy yourself. You need space, so you escape to beautiful hideaways, but you are not a loner. You are at peace with yourself and the world, and you appreciate life and what this world has to offer.
  10. [CrAoS]

    User deleted

    Carefree Playful Cheerful

    You love a free and spontaneous life. And you attempt to enjoy it to the fullest, in accordance with the motto: "You only live once."

    You are very curious and open about everything new; you thrive on change. Nothing is worse than when you feel tied down. You experience your environment as being versatile and always good for a surprise.
  11. VincentNight

    User deleted

    Introspective Sensitive Reflective

    You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are very strong, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you require. You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored.

  12. ~ LaPaT

    User deleted

    Introspective Sensitive Reflective

    You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are very strong, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you require. You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored.

  13. .Shiki-kun.

    User deleted

    Introspective Sensitive Reflective

    You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are very strong, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you require. You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored.
  14. †Black Ghost†

    User deleted

    Independent Unconventional Unfettered

    You demand a free and unattached life for yourself that allows you to determine your own course. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what expected of you.

    Your lifestyle is highly individualistic. You would never blindly imitate what is "in"; on the contrary, you seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if this means swimming against the tide.

  15. hime sama

    User deleted

    ndependent Unconventional Unfettered

    You demand a free and unattached life for yourself that allows you to determine your own course. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what expected of you.

    Your lifestyle is highly individualistic. You would never blindly imitate what is "in"; on the contrary, you seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if this means swimming against the tide.
66 replies since 12/12/2008, 12:44   800 views